However you choose to donate, your contribution could make all the difference.
Our donation options are listed on this page.
If you have any queries regarding making a donation, please contact us.
Bank Transfer
If you would like to donate by bank transfer, please use the following details:
Sort code 30-99-50
Account number 17179663
Account Holder: Art Friends Merseyside
Please use your surname and postcode as the payment reference
Standing Order
If you would like to set up a recurring donation, please use the following details to set up a Standing Order to Lloyds:
Sort Code 30-99-50
Account 17179663
Account Holder: Art Friends Merseyside
Please use your surname and post code as the payment reference
Cheques should be made out to Art Friends Merseyside.
Please post to: Helen Watters, Secretary, 31 Whitehouse Lane, Barnston, Wirral CH60 1UD